Meet our Residents @ the Lit

As well as hiring out the main hall and smaller rooms for one-off bookings, we are also a base for groups, individuals and organisations who are long-term regular hirers and sublets who not only use the space, but have made the Lit their home – we are proud to call these our ‘residents’.

Our Ethos

The core ‘residents’ are the beating heart of the Lit. Residents interact and provide support to each other, lending a helping hand, offering their skills and knowledge or signposting to resources, sharing equipment, opening/closing for each other and the Lit Trust. These residents are a community in themselves.  The Lit is their home, and they help make it a dynamic, diverse and welcoming environment to our wider community.

Our hirers can also benefit from our residents’ experience, and in turn, the wider community will receive a valued and rewarding visit to the Lit as a result. 

Find out more about our current residents here.

Rubies Dance Centre

Rubies Dance Centre

Watch this space…